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الاثنين، 5 أبريل 2010

Computer Virus

. What is a computer virus?

A computer program loaded to your computer with-out your knowledge or permission and runs against your wishes. It can replicate it self. All computer viruses are manmade. Computer viruses are every where and it is named with lots of different names which scare the computer users.

There are viruses which play music, change or delete files or display messages.

It is called viruses because they got some thing in common with the biological viruses. A computer virus passes from a computer to computer like a biological virus passes from person to person.

A virus should never call harmless and left on the system, a simple virus can make a copy of it self over and over relatively easy to produce. Even such a simple virus is dangerous because it will use all the available memory and bring the system to the holt. Some viruses are doing so little damage that you are unaware that your computer has been infected.

There are different types of viruses such as:
File infectors: A block of code which attaches itself to another program and it can copy itself in to subsequent applications that you run.
Macro viruses: Marco virus spread much more than other type of viruses as people frequently share data files, it spread round the word in two hours effecting tens of millions of computer.
Worms: it has been made to copy it self from one computer to another over a network.
The latest viruses have been emails viruses.

Different way to be infected:
When you open a file or when you open email is infected with a marco virus.
When downloading files or programs from browsing the internet.
From infected email message

How does a computer get a virus?
The computer virus is the same as human virus, human virus passes from person to person and computer virus passes from computer to computer.
There are many ways to get a computer virus but the common way of getting a virus is from an email attachment and that is come from an effected file connected to an email this attachment can be word files, excel files, JPEGs, GIFs or any type of files.
You can not simply get a virus from reading emails. The virus start it is work when you open and run the attachment.
But there are some new viruses are different like (klez) because you do not have to open an email attachment to release the virus, just opening the email can release the dangerous bug.
The other ways of getting a computer virus are from a file on a floppy or zip disk or when you use an infected file in a clean computer the file infects the clean computer.
Lots of people download infected files from the internet and they start to share them with there friends, in this way the virus spread very fast to all there computers.
If you found that your computer has been infected you, should assume that every disk or computer that you work with or nearby is infected because most of the viruses are spread very fast in the computer and damage your system.
To reduce the chance of getting a virus you should be really careful with the files you take to your computer even if they are from one of your close friend because most of the time people transfer file with out being sure it is not infected.

Salalah city

Situated in the southern parts of Dhofar, Salalah is the second largest town in Omani after Muscat. It is the residing place of the Sulatan for generations and is the cultural center of Omani. It is one of the towns that are contributing to the tourism industry to a large extent. Salalah Tourism is has grown as people have discovered the beautiful beaches, gardens, parks and springs all around the place. The city has also developed a lot and you would find good schools and colleges, modern hospitals and a large number of standard and luxury hotels in The Town.
Tourists’ Attraction in Salalah:
Salalah has recently gained the fame of one of the major tourists’ spots in the town. Mughsayl Beach is located 40 kilometers west to the town of Salalah. It is a beautiful beach with blow holes, magnificent view of the sea, rough mountains and cliffs. Prophet Emran’s town is situated near the Clock Tower. Prophet Emran is the father of the Biblical prophet, Moses. The Tomb is 30 meters long. Frankincense is a World heritage site promoted by UNESCO. It is located in the down town of Salalah near Khor rohri. It is about 37 kilometers from Salalah. The Ubar at Shisr that is thought to be the area of lost city is also near to it. Then there is the Magic road. It is a dirty trail that one would find in between Tagha and Mirbat. It is interesting to know that on this hilly land if you drive your car and let it roll down in neutral gear, the car would start rolling up instead of rolling down.
Accommodation in Salalah:
Displaying such a variety of tourists’ attraction in Salalah, the place is also the house of quite a few hotels. There are star rated hotel as the Hilton Salalah Resort and Crowne Plaza Resort in Salalah and as well as discount hotels like Haffa House in Salalah. The hotels are located in the heart of the city and are near to the major tourists attractions in Salalah.
Salalah is one of the traditional districts of Omani that highlights the cultural traditions of the town. The town has attracted a huge chunk of tourist owing to the Salalah Kharif Festival in which processions of participants walk through the street to promote Salalah Tourism. Thus, if you are planning to go for tourism, you can visit this ancient town in Omani.

الثلاثاء، 16 فبراير 2010

سم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم

تم بحمد الله تجميع دروس تطوير الويب:

Web Expression Essentials

دروس فيديو على يد أحد أكبر المحترفين في المجال

Joe Marini

الدورة تعتبر مثالية لكل من أراد أن يبدأ على الطريق الصحيح في مجال تطوير الويب

الدورة باللغة الانجليزية .. ولكن يكفيك فقط المشاهدة لتتعرف على ماذا يحدث و كيف تتم المهام

تم رفع الدورة على اليوتيوب لسهولة المشاهدة ..
الدروس من رفعي و قد قمت بوضعها في

Play List

للمشاهدة ... تفضل الرابط التالي


محتويات الدورة
1. Getting Started
Basics of CSS
Basics of Javascript
Basics of XML
Basics of server scripting
Basics of server-browser communication

2. Tour of the Interface
Application UI overview
The Editing window
Setting preferences
The Folder List task pane
The Properties task pane
The Toolbox task pane
The Find task pane

3. Website Basics
What is a website?
Creating a website
Basics of site structure

4. Document Editing Basics
Creating a new document
Setting page properties
Inserting text
Inserting images
Inserting other content
Working with the design surface

5. Working in Code
The Code View
Setting Code View preferences
Using IntelliSense
Using Code Snippets

6. Using CSS
Basics of CSS
Defining CSS styles
Using the Manage Styles task pane
Using the Apply Styles task pane
Generated styles
Using CSS layouts

7. Building a Site
Setting up
Inserting images
Inserting text
Polishing the appearance
Previewing the site

8. Working with Links
Basics of hyperlinks
Linking to pages
Linking to files
Email links
Named anchors
Styling links
Image maps

9. Tables
Introduction to tables
Inserting a new table
Formatting tables
Table dimensions
CSS styling

10. Working with behaviors
The behaviors task pane
Adding a simple behavior
Ordering multiple behaviors
Creating a rollover image
Opening a new window

11. Forms
What are forms?
Creating a form
Inserting form fields
Styling form elements with CSS
Submitting forms

12. Dynamic Web Templates
Introduction to dynamic web templates
Creating a new template
Creating new documents based on templates
Modifying a template

13. XML and XSLT Support
Adding XML data to the page
Formatting the data
Conditional formatting
Previewing the page
Viewing the XSLT

14. Working with ASP.NET Pages
What is ASP.NET?
Creating an ASP.NET page
ASP.NET controls
ASP.NET master pages

15. Site Reports
What are reports?
Generating reports
Accessibility reports
CSS reports
Compatibility reports
Other reports

16. Publishing the Site
Setting up the remote site
Publishing files
Optimizing files


و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله
مع تحيات عمر الجابري (عيون من زجاج)

الأحد، 7 فبراير 2010

ربما غدآ او بعد غد..

ربما بعد سنين لا تعد..

ربما ذات مساء نلتقي في طريق عابر من غير قصد..